Please visit our library at the Recital Hall, where you will find:
- a huge amount of guitar sheet music, ancient, baroque, romantic, Spanish, South American and modern, and also for duos, trios quartets etc, all arranged in alphabetical order
- an extensive collection of CD music of the guitar
- a selection of DVDs and video tapes of guitar music.
Please sign out the item(s) you borrow, in the book provided, and return it or them within 3 weeks and place the items in the plastic box in the library.
Are you writing or arranging your own music? If so, you may be interested to know about free open source software to produce your own scores, for downloading from internet for Windows, Mac or Linux.
To learn more, please see a detailed PDF guide on how to use it, and also the website by following the links below:
MuseScore website, including download and instructional video